Our Mission:
Ben’s Centre is a charity that aims to provide a safe space and an open hand to those who suffer through substance misuse and its associated barriers.
Our Values:
Inclusion, opportunity, and motivation to live unhindered by trauma and substance dependency.
Our Impact
meals provided in 2023/24
We make thousands of interactions a year, each one valuable in guiding individuals to a stable life and eventually recovery.
Years In SHeffield
In 2021 , Ben’s Centre celebrated 25 years of helping the vulnerable in Sheffield.
Partner organisations
Ben’s Centre works closely with local charities, health and support services to provide a complete, holistic network for our clients.

Our Projects
Ben’s Centre began as a Day Centre for individuals with alcohol misuse issues, however over the years we have evolved from this. The Day Centre is the heart of our project, a welcoming environment where victims of misuse can get the support and stability they need to address their issues. We also run an outreach service to identify individuals needing support on the streets of Sheffield.
The Day Centre
Ben's Centre offers a drop in day service on weekdays between 10.30am and 2.30pm. We provide a hot meal and access to clothing and washing facilities as well as internet access, activities and support with wellbeing, health issues & housing.
Client Support
Our project workers work tirelessly with our clients and local services to support them in addressing health and wellbeing, dependency, tenancy and homelessness issues.
Ben's Centre staff run outreach in Sheffield City Centre. We are recognisable by their orange Ben’s Centre Lanyards. This is a simple service offering advice, food and drink, clean clothes and an opportunity for a friendly chat.
Enrichment activities
Our project workers and volunteers put on a range of creative and practical activities to give clients a chance to work on their skills, build-self esteem and enjoy trying something new.

“A lifeline and a place of sanctuary for the sufferers of substance misuse and street culture”

Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with Ben’s Centre, and we are always open to hearing new ways if you feel you have something else to offer.
Skill swap
Although the staff team and volunteers achieve amazing outcomes with very little income, even this super human effort could benefit from the support of local professionals.
Volunteer opportunities
If you feel you have something to offer Ben's Centre or are looking to gain valuable experience to work in this area of social care, we offer volunteer opportunities in our Day Centre.
Make a Donation
We couldn't help clients the way we do without your support. Any donations we do receive are directly used to help those who need us. We also accept donations of clothing and other items.
If you are seeking help for a vulnerable person:
Please complete the form below or call us on 0114 2799961