A slight feeling of euphoria!
A slight feeling of euphoria hangs in the air in the centre as we begin another week. This is due entirely to Wendy being able to finish all the major funding forms on Friday. We feel this week we can get down to the business of what we are about…and that is looking after our clients. Not that they were neglected last week at all but Wendy can take part in more of the day to day running of the centre. Poor Wendy has felt as she has been stalked for three weeks and now they’ve apprehended the stalker!The sun is shining today and all the seeds that were sown on the windowsill are shooting up and so a gardening morning is planned. It never ceases to amaze clients and staff alike, that you can plant something so small and it will produce fruit, or in our case veg!
There is something so liberating and healing working with the soil and seeing things grow that you have planted and nurtured. It also is an amazing visual aid of taking small steps and not having anything to show for those steps for quite a while! Then when you least expect it the seeds begin to break through and your hard work and patience is rewarded.
So we like ‘normal’ days like today in Bens. We’ll keep planting quietly away and expect to see break-through any day and our patience and hard work is rewarded!