We are closing the Centre for two weeks from Wednesday. It’s always a difficult decision to decide to close. We know for a good number of our clients it will not be easy for them but we break up trying to give client’s the minimum of disturbance. The other Centres are open.Last week one of our female clients who is in interim accommodation, and is struggling as the accommodation is not that good, and she is feeling lonely, said that she hadn’t realised how noisy silence was! We did try to help with some practical items giving a radio and a small television, and much to the client’s credit she is sticking it out. Closing against a back-drop like this is a difficult decision but in the end clients need staff that are refreshed and energized. We know that when we re-open the clients will be pleased to have us back and the staff and volunteers will quickly step back into running the Centre and all that entails. So the blog will resume in two weeks time and no doubt it will go quickly for the staff if not for the clients.