Crafts Galore!
I don’t know what the definition of a sweat shop is but we seem to have developed one here at Ben’s Centre; only instead of the Managers exerting pressure on the workers to produce the goods, here at Bens, it is the clients who are demanding more and more ‘crafts’ to do each day! Poor Wendy is finding it quite taxing keeping the clients occupied.The latest craft they are into is ‘latch hook rugs’. I’ve just asked Wendy what you call them and she said’ latch key rugs’!! Wendy has a delightful way of getting words mixed up. The best yet was a professional who helped the organisation called Dominic Savage. Wendy wrote in the Management report that Demonic Savage had helped us! When asked why she had not spell-checked this she replied that she had and Demonic was spelt correctly!!
Anyway back to the crafting. Clients have been beevering away and even taking them home at night. One client proudly came in one day and said they had been up to the early hours of the morning doing their rug but more importantly they had only had two cigarettes all evening. They are so enjoying making them and the only down side to this is that very soon we will hear the cries of ‘I’ve finished Wendy what can I do now?’
It is so good to see clients engaging and enjoying the time spent being productive. It’s contagious too as other clients want to try it for themselves when they see the results of all the activity.
So if anyone out there has any ideas on other crafts we may try Wendy I know would be very pleased to hear from you….soon!